PART 1: Panoramic View of the Bible Introduction

Dear Readers:

Give me 32 minutes of your precious time, I’ll give you God’s Plans for the World.

Through the Grace of God, I have prepared these pages with the prayer that you will gain more understanding of who Jesus is and why trusting Him and His Word is so essential in these days of chaotic Uncertainty!

There are three parts to these papers: This page is Part one.  The outline/timeline is Part 2Part 3 is a narrative to explain the outline for those who need/want more information.

Jesus has many titles, but in Panoramic View of the Bible, I have focused on Jesus as Seed of the Woman and the Savior and King of the World. Though beyond human understanding, it is important to note that JESUS is also GOD!  Isaiah 9:6; Jn. 1:1, 14; 10:33;  20:28; Col. 1:15- 17; 2:9; Titus 2:13; Heb. 1:8, 10 -12; Rom. 9:5

Bernice Meade Mason

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Panoramic View of the Bible Download

Please download the Panoramic View of the Bible in PDF. The document includes the Overview and Narrative.